
Monday 23 September 2019

Moyou Nails Fashion

Octoberfest Nails

Hey all, I hope you had a nice weekend. It went way too quickly, as usual! But gave me time to catch up on reviews, and I'm starting with an Octoberfest look using plates from Moyou Nails Fashion and reviewing Trendy 1. A fab plate with many singular images that are great for all year round .
Oktoberfest began as a wedding
celebration more than 200 years ago when Bavaria's Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen on Oct. 12, 1810. The wedding was celebratedwith multiple days of drinking, feasting and horse races. It's an Autumn festival held in Munich, Germany in late September and early October, featuring the drinking of beer.
I also received these Moyou Nails Fashion Polishes in Black, White, Red and Yellow.
So with these colours, Trendy 1, Urban 4 and square plate 475 I create my Octoberfest mani.
I painted the flag freehand and for the mug if beer stamped a cupcake image and added a handle!
The hat and moustache from Trendy 1 plate stamped crisp and cleanly. A look I've not done before, but one I like.
These Moyou Nails Fashion plates and polishes are just fabulous!
You can also find them on FacebookTwitter
and Instagram.
Stay safe and much love....