
Thursday 22 February 2018

Moyou Nails Fashion

XL Stamping Plate

How are you all this Wednesday? I'm good, though hubby is still off work waiting on more test results! But I don't bore you with my life.
I have today the next Ethnic stamping plate in the collection from Moyou Nails Fashion
Plate 2 is a nice mix of singular floral and full nail tribal images.
As per I've created three totally different looks using this plate. Mine personally is the last as just lately I'm loving bling mani's. 
So for my first I did some reverse stamped decals with a few different images.

Next up you can't beat a matte black stamped look, and the silver makes this so classy.

And finally, I just love all the intricate details in these flowers, and over my white to pink gradient with the added rhinestones, I love everything about this mani.

All polishes used, apart by from the matte topcoat are from Moyou Nails Fashion.
I have plate 3 left to share with you some time next week. 
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Stay safe and much love.....