
Tuesday 30 May 2017


Water Decals

Hello again, another post today showing two sets of water decals from Milvart. I would like to do more per blog post, but with so many other things that need doing, 2 mani's per post is all I can do right now. 
N230 is this super cute Ladybird decal with a sort of patchwork feel to it. Each decal compliments the other and I'm really liking the final look of this mani.

N864 is a full sheet of black rose decals that you can cut how ever you wish to use them. For my base I applied a cream polish and gently sponged over some pink, not to cover the cream, but just to add a touch of colour. The black roses are the perfect look for these colours, so detailed and easy to do.

Facebook and Instagram are the best way to check out Milvart, and I'll be back soon with some more full nail decals very soon.
Stay safe and much love....


  1. I love these! I wouldn't sweat how many Manis you do per post. I only do one and do the nail art for it on a newer one. So many good bloggers have burned out over the years. I'm new so I'm trying to avoid making blogging a chore.

    1. Many thanks for such a thoughtful comment. I have so many reviews, still trying to decorate and looking after my 2 yr old granddaughter, plus miss taking part in so many challenges. Just not enough time or nails lol x

  2. Loooove water decals! Those lady bugs are so cute

  3. Lovely mani's. These decals are super pretty.

  4. Those roses! They're so gorgeous and can be used in so many ways!
