
Friday 19 May 2017

Charlies Nail Art Review

Black Netting Nails

I'm positive its not Friday 13th! It may as well be, as both mani's I've done today for my regular Charlies Nail Art didn't turn out as well as I thought they would. You know when you have a picture on your mind, and the end result looks nothing like it!! I'm also not sure if it's as my nails are not as long as I'm used to, therefore these looks on shorter nails just don't go. Or it's just me being too self critical lol.
Anyway today I have tried out Black Netting for nails, this netting comes in 5 different colours measuring 10cm x 7cm for 49p.

The netting is easy to cut into the shape you need, and can be used with acrylic, gel and regular nail polish. Placing over my pink and silver triangle nails was easy with just topcoat and gently pressing down and into place. I think I spoiled this mani by painting in black. As they say 'less is more!' I did find it a bit tricky to cut the excess around my nails neatly, and need more practise at this.
So as the look I had in mind failed, I tried another inspired by Luminous Nails on IG. Now her acrylic mani is fabulous and I tried to recreate with nail polish. Now I do like this one better, but think my shorter nails lets it down, and if longer would have looked so much better.
I will try this netting again when my nails grow how like them, and I think it's a neat look for something different.
FacebookInstagram and Twitter are all the places you can check out Charlies Nail Art and should make an order use my discount code below.
 Stay safe and much love....


  1. I don't think that first one turned out as bad as you think it did. I enjoy both looks very much!

  2. I wonder if the netting could also work as a stencil? Might look cool.

  3. These look like they would make fantastic stencils, too!

  4. Oh this is neat! You always have the coolest nail art ideas!

  5. I think this turned out really good. I like the idea of using it as a stencil too.

    1. Thank you, I will have to try as a stencil x

  6. Sexy! You did a great job working with the lace.
