
Tuesday 18 April 2017

Swatching Update

Avocado Cutilce Oil

Hi guys, this post has been a long time in the making. I was planing planning on doing monthly updates on my swatching hand, as if you remember my serious allergic reaction to over use of gel polish, but decided to wait and do a post after a few months while I was using this cuticle oil pen I was sent a while back to review from The Edge Nails.
This is how my nails looked a few months ago.. .
Bad right!! Well I've been applying this
Avocado Cutilce Oil every night before bed, and again of a morning. It has a nice fresh scent, and soaked in well without leaving my fingers feeling greasy, but making them look nourished. So fast forward a few months and just look now....

Such a great improvement, still some way to go, and I'm still using this cuticle oil daily, but overall I'm super happy with how my swatching hand looks now. I'll soon be back to using it again for my blog posts!
I've also been using this polish, as short nails are so not me lol
Many thanks for your continued support through this horrid time, and as always stay safe,  much love...


  1. Caramba!! como estavam ruins...ainda bem que melhoraram bastante.

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  2. Your nails are looking SO MUCH BETTER!! I'm so glad you got that under control. I felt so bad for you.

  3. So glad to see your nails getting better Trace x

  4. So happy to see you happier with your nails. I would be miserable. Your growth is so good though!

  5. That's a huge improvement! That cuticle oil worked great.

  6. What tremendous progress! Glad things are getting back to normal

  7. Oh dear. I'm so glad you are seeing progress.

  8. You're nails are healing so nicely!!

    1. Thank you, it's so nice to at last see an improvement x
