
Monday 1 June 2015

Reverse Nail Stamped

Tribal Nails

Happy 1st of June! I wasn't planning a blog post today, but as I was doing a manicure for a themed challenge in a nail stamping group on Facebook, I though why not!
The theme this week is Tribal Nails and looking through my stamping plates I had a great mani in mind.
Born Pretty Plate BP 48 has a very pretty feather look, and looked perfect to me for a tribal nail art. I decided to do a reversed stamping and coloured in the image with the new 1 minute dry Miss Sporty Clubbing Color polishes.

I used nail foil glue to stick the stamping to my nails, and oh boy it was so much easier. Once it had dried and was sticky, I stamped the coloured in design on my nails with no problems that I have sometimes found when using a clear polish to do the same thing.  As I only have one creative stamper, I could only work on one nail at a time. So 3 hours later this it what my Tribal Nails look like..

I added extra colours where the stamp was too small my nails. They have got so long really quickly! I think a file down is needed. But I'm really liking this look, and the Miss Sporty Clubbing Color polishes worked amazingly for this reverse stamping.
Hope you like it too. Till next time, stay safe and much love...


  1. Oh wow three hours?! Though I am not surprised since it's so detailed and beautiful. You really did a great job with it.

    1. Thank you, just wish my other stampers picked up the image as good as the creative one x

  2. It's scary how quickly our nails can grow when we love them! Love this design. It turned out great!

    1. Sure is, and I've been keeping them shorter just lately because of my baby granddaughter. But they have just had a growth spurt lol. Thank you :)

  3. So much fun!! I honestly would have thought it would have taken longer. You always do such a phenomenal job. I'm beyond jealous of your patience.

    1. Thank you so much, but I was huffing and puffing on the last 2 nails lol x

  4. Absolutely gorgeous mani and amazing job!! And on a side note those polish bottles are so cute. :)

    1. Thank you, they are pretty colours and bottles :)

  5. I love the mani ! Beautiful, and you chose so well the colors !

    1. Thank you, I wasn't so sure when filling it in, but once stamped on my nails I was so pleased x

  6. Very pretty. I love the overall look!

  7. Very pretty! I don't have the patience to wait three hours. This is gorgeous though!

    1. Thank you. I'm glad I only did one hand! X

  8. Gorgeous, but yes, this is why I have multiple stampers, lol. What kind of foil glue do you use?

    1. Thank you. The creative stamper was the only one that picked the image up clearly. The squishy stampers wouldn't :( the foil glue came in a set with foils from eBay. It's in a tall thin square bottle x

  9. OMG! I don't think I could ever do this but these are awesome! Kudos to you girl!
