
Saturday 15 March 2014

Saturday Fail...

Having an off day

Hey all, hope you are well. I'm great as the new F1 season started today and was up early to watch the Australian qualifying. Then after I did my normal Saturday chores, I sat down to do my nails. And here's where the day went downhill. Planning on doing another water marble with neon polish over black polish for a change, and I didn't like the outcome. Only water marbled my thumb nail and knew instantly that I didn't like it. Didn't think at the time of taking a pic either, so I apologize for that. So off came the black polish, and on went the white, for the same neon polish water marble design. Did all ten nails, but wasn't overly keen on them. Here's what I used, what do you think?

So again off this came and after the water marble I did yesterday for my St Patricks Day Nails, I thought I'd try the same design but with two different colours. Painted my nails white (again!) and started the water marble using Beauty UK Glam polish in Jelly Bean (purple) and Fuchsia (pink). Started off well, but I couldn't get the design small enough to fit on every nail. So here's how this one looks...


I'm liking this one better, but still not 100% happy with it. I suppose having an off nail painting day happens to the best of us lol. Both the W7 Neons and Beauty UK did work well in the water, just me being picky ha ha! Would love to hear your thoughts on both of these water marbles? I'm off to plan a nail art for Monday. Have a great weekend and as always stay safe and much love...


  1. gorgeous water marbles! I love water marbling but its so time consuming!

    1. Thank you :) Can take some time especially when you get polish that starts work well, then doesn't work so well if that makes sense lol xx

  2. These are lush love them!!

    Helen X
