
Saturday 24 August 2013

Rainbow Holo Nails

Perfect Holographic Rainbows Nails

What a great looking Bank Holiday weekend! But then that's just typical for the UK lol, and the day I decide to use Perfect Holographic to do a nail design. These are the cheapest holographic polish I own, at just 88p a bottle, you can't go wrong. The only downside is the holo sparkle sinks, and you need to shake them quite a bit. But in the sun they are just awesome, better than the Layla I have!! So for that I don't mind :) My nails are also shorter too, it was a sad day for nails yesterday lol. I walked into and kicked the sofa by accident and lost a toe nail!!....Ouch :'(
Luckily just the top layer of nail came off, so all toe nails are shorter. Then I decided to file my finger nails down, four patched for ages, and the splits had grown near the top, so now I only have two patched nails :) and I hate having them patched!!
I also found a wicked black polish for stamping with :) I used to MUA £1 black, but they stopped making it, and I wont pay the price for a piddly bottle of Konad!! In Poundland the other week I got Pretty Matte and Gloss in black. I did a few tests, and can say that Matte Black Polish stamps really well :)

Perfect Holographic in H7, H5, H4, H3, and H8

Pretty Matte Black Polish

Indoors with flash

Indoors no flash

Outside in the rain
Cheeky Stamping Plate CH6

Not the best stamping I've done, but still having to double stamp even though my nails are shorter. This pattern was hard to line up, I'm still happy with it though, just a shame the sun wasn't out to show the awesomeness of these holo's. Maybe tomorrow :)
Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to leave me a comment. 
Have you got Perfect Holographic Polish, what do you think of them? Have you tried Matte polish for stamping? I'd love to know.
Well have yourself a great Bank Holiday :) :)



  1. Where have you buy them from? They are fantastic!!

    1. They are from Bulgaria. On ebay they are selling for £4.99 each! I bought them direct from If you go back to one of my first blog posts from April, I reviewed them and put a link to their web site, and a video (I think lol) x

  2. Looks great, I have the same stamping plates :)

    1. Thank you. Looking for new plates, but on a no buy atm :(
