
Saturday 6 July 2013

Holographic Nail Polish

Holographic Nails

Hello all :) I really couldn't decide what to do on my nails today. As I was loving the water marble stripes I did with Beauty UK Glam Nail Polish. But I always do my nails on a Saturday, so have been thinking for a few days on what I could do. Then it came to me lol, another beautiful day here in the UK :) and its set to last for a bit, and I've been waiting for wall to wall sunshine to try out the Perfect Holographic Nail Polish I bought back in February. They were the first thing I blogged about when I started :) Then came the choice of what colour to use! Being someone who likes to be 'out there' with my nail designs, I decided to use all the eight Perfect Holographic and two Golden Rose Paris. So a different colour for every finger lol.

I wont go on about them to much, as I already have before, but they are so awesome. Hard to catch their beauty in the bottles, but on the nails its a different story. Nice to apply, streaks with the first coat, but after the second, they are just amazing. I applied three coats of each. Its said you can't use a top coat with Holographic Polish, as it makes it loose its holographic qualities, but I used Sally Hansen 30 second Insta-dri Top Coat, and it made no difference at all!! The Golden Rose Paris are not a strong holographic polish, but you can definitely see an effect. The ones by Perfect are a strong holographic polish.

How awesome they look, and for the cheapest Holographic Polish I bought, even more of a bonus. Now I'm not normally one to leave my nails plain, but don't want to ruin these beauties ha ha. I may do a lace design on the tips, not sure yet. If I do I will post another photo, so keep checking back just in case. But for now I'll leave you with the video I took of them...

Would love to hear what you think of these nail polishes. Have you heard of Perfect, or even got any yourself?
Hope you all have a fab weekend. Thanks for reading :)
