
Friday 28 June 2013

MUA Polish Converse Shoes

Converse Shoe Nail Art

Hello all, I have been doing some nail art this week, but not as much as normal. As this week has been a sad one, and the house has felt very strange. I wont waffle on to much, but I'll quickly explain. We got a cat from a rescue place 17 and a half yrs ago. She was a beautiful tortoise shell coloured, 6 month old kitten. We called her Tilly, and she loved boxes lol. Well it seemed like she would live forever, but sadly at 18 yrs old, old age got to her and she became very ill, and was sadly put to sleep on Monday :'( 


  1. I love your Nail arts, you have a beautiful blog! I'm officially your 70st follower! x julia
